
Our web shop is the only place where our private customers can buy wines from us, but having said that, we are more than happy to meet our customers in the real world to taste and explain about the wines in more detail. We do this both at private tastings and at our own recurring Lieu-dit tastings.

Private tastings

Let us know if you are interested in having one of our sommeliers visit your wine club, company or the like. He will be more than happy to pour the wines and share his knowledge about them. Contact Gustav Klint at [email protected] or +45 26 28 13 35.

Lieu-dit tastings

We also do Lieu-dit tastings and send out invitations in our newsletter. Information about producers, tickets, time and place will be described in the newsletter.

Buy ticket for the next Lieu-dit tasting

When we have scheduled our next tasting you can read more about it and buy your ticket here.

Lieu-dit's Newsletter


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Sign up for our newsletter and be among the first to receive information about new producers, newly arrived wines and wines sold by allocation. The newsletter is typically sent out once a week and is currently only featured in Danish.

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